In this blog post, we will explore 9 easy, fun, and natural ways for root chakra healing. By practicing these simple techniques, we can regain balance and feel grounded quickly.
The root chakra, also known as the Muladhara, is an important energy center in our bodies that has a significant impact on our overall well-being.
Element Of Root Chakra
Your root chakra, otherwise called “Muladhara,” is your body’s foundation. It’s the energy center that helps you feel grounded and connected to your physical body.
- Your root chakra is found at the base of your spine.
- It is associated with the color red
- Element of the root chakra is, earth.
Since it’s the first in a line of chakras, it’s thought to provide energy to the rest of your chakras.
When this chakra is in balance, one feel’s safe. You have a strong sense of self-preservation and security in relationships and finances.
The Muladhara, a spinning wheel through which energy flows, a blockage can have some strong, energetic issues.
When it’s blocked, you may feel insecure or overwhelmed. Have difficulty manifesting your desires.
Signs Of A Blocked Root Chakra

Do you ever feel like you’re stuck?
Like you can’t get moving no matter how hard you try?
If you are feeling out of balance, there is a good chance these may be some signs of a blocked root chakra.
Blockages can cause physical, mental, and emotional issues from an energetic level.
Physical signs may resonate with:
- Inability to get moving or feel frozen in time.
- Feeling unmotivated and lethargic despite wanting to be more productive.
- Low energy levels in general compared to when you feel your best.
- Chronic fatigue or insomnia despite attempts to balance your sleep habits.
- Having trouble grounding yourself or feeling spaced out when you try to focus.
- Experiencing frequent anxiety or panic attacks even though no significant life events have occurred.
- Feeling scattered and disconnected from your body or unable to receive your body's psychic or biological signals.
- Constantly worrying about money or the future.
- Feelings of scarcity, insecurity, fearfulness, and anxiousness that something terrible will happen if you don't plan for every possible outcome.
- Constantly ruminating on the past or stuck in negative thought loops.
- Feeling like you're not good enough or can't accomplish your goals, including feelings of self-doubt, insecurity, and a lack of confidence.
- Having difficulty accessing your intuition or gut instincts.
- Feeling disconnected from yourself and others. You may feel like you're living in your little world and not connecting with the people around you.
9 Ways To Unblocking Your Root Chakra:
Are you experiencing multiple signs of a blocked root chakra?
In that case, it’s time to focus on unblocking the flow in this area, so there is balance within this energy system again. Here are 9 ways to unblocking your root chakra that can help.
1. Root chakra exercise
One way to unblock this is to do some root chakra exercises, yoga, or Pilates.
You can try to go for a run or walk in nature. Take the shoes off, feel the ground beneath your feet when you’re outside.
Allow yourself to go within, and take a deep breath to base yourself as you sense the powerful energy of mother earth beneath your feet.
2. Root chakra foods
When it comes to this chakra, think grounding root chakra foods.
Foods that are rich in minerals and offer stability are key here.
Root vegetables like sweet potatoes, carrots, beets, and red peppers are all great options.
Dark leafy greens like spinach and kale are also excellent choices.
Fruits like strawberries, cherries and other fruits that are red in color. Other good foods include legumes, nuts, and seeds. Incorporating these into your diet on a regular basis can help to keep this Chakra in balance.

3. Essential oils for root chakra
Essential oils for root chakra are normally made with certain blends for each chakra.
The ideal combination can include grounding essential oils like patchouli and vetiver for this particular energy center.
If applying an essential oil onto the skin area, make sure it’s diluted in an oil base such as jojoba.
Most essential oils which are not diluted, are not to be applied directly onto the skin. Always test your skin in case of any allergies to any aromatic or essential oils.
Some like to lightly apply diluted essential oil to the bottom of their feet when meditating.
Many people use essential oils for root chakra in a diffuser or a tea light oil burner.
If so, remember that many of these essential oils can be overpowering.
So always get a good balance of ventilation in your area of intended use.
In case you dont have an essential oil diffuser, here is one we thought you might want to check out?
Diffusers are great also to use when it’s flu season, cleansing the home space with oils such as peppermint or “breathe easy” oils when you have a runny nose or feeling congested!
4. How To Meditate On Root Chakra

- Sit peacefully, close your eyes, and focus on your base chakra.
- Breathe deeply into this area, imagining a bright red light flowing up from the base of your spine through your entire body until it reaches the crown of your head.
Use a guided meditation or visualize healing this chakra center with breathwork using solfeggio soundwaves of root chakra Hz music.
Repeat the same process as many times as needed to feel grounded again.
You can even use root chakra affirmations within your meditation.
Here are 13 affirmations to get you started.

- I am safe.
- I am supported.
- I belong.
- I trust the process of life.
- Everything is working out for my highest good.
- I am worthy of love and abundance.
- I release all fears and doubts.
- I am confident and courageous.
- My feet are firmly planted on the ground, anchoring me in the present moment.
- I am open to receive all that life has to offer.
- I am grateful for all that I have.
- I am connected to all of life.
- I AM safe, supported, and loved. Namaste.
5. How To Use Crystals For Root Chakra
Specific root chakra stones emit the perfect vibrations to help soothe and open up the energy of this chakra. How to use crystals for root chakra is as simple as placing the stone or chakra crystal on the base of the spine.
You can even hold the chakra stone during your meditation practice. Or you can carry a thumb stone in your pocket throughout the day to reap the benefits of its healing properties.
Here are some crystals for the root chakra:
- Garnet

- Red Jasper

- Hematite

- Smoky Quartz

6. Stretches For Root Chakra
Here are a few stretches for root chakra you may want to try.
- Stand with both feet on a yoga mat while holding onto something sturdy like a desk chair or countertop for support if needed.
- Then, slowly bend over at the waist and reach down towards your toes as far as possible without bending your knees.

You can also try root chakra stretches by lying down.
- Placing one foot flat on top of the other with both legs extended straight out in front of you while lying face up
- Arms should be next to your sides
- As you exhale slowly
- Bring your knees in towards your chest
- Hold for a few seconds before releasing
- Repeat on the other side.

7. Root Chakra Visualization
Imagine a glowing red base chakra. When you’re feeling off-balance, take a few minutes to close your eyes and try this root chakra visualization.
- Imagine a bright red base chakra spinning slowly in the lower part of your body.
- Feel the warming energy flowing from your toes slowly all the way up to the top of your head.
8. Root Chakra Healing Music
There are many healing benefits associated with listening to different solfeggio frequencies.
For this chakra, 396 Hz benefits have a powerful and healing influence that brings the listener peace and relaxation.
This meditation music with a 396 hertz sound is used to destroy unconscious blockages and negativity metaphysically. You connect with your intuition, release fear, and feel more empowered as you ground yourself.
Here is a 396 Hz solfeggio music video, perfectly aligned for root chakra healing and balancing.
9. Power Of Repetition Affirmations
Studies have shown that the power of repetition affirmations regularly can condition the subconscious mind. The more you repeat an affirmation, the more likely it will become true. The more you say them, the more likely you will believe them and see results.
Affirmations are a powerful psychological tool because they take advantage of our brain’s tendency towards confirmation bias. If you believe something is confirmed, you will experience and feel it more throughout your day.
You can help balance and open your root chakra by repeating phrases like :
- "I am safe and secure"
- "I welcome peace and serenity into my life."
Final Take
So we hope we’ve answered the question of how do you balance your root chakra and shown you the 9 ways to do this.
This helps with the process of grounding and healing the root chakra.
Remember that it can take a bit of time and patience to restore balance in your energy
centers (chakras.)
So don’t give up if you don’t see results right away.
With a little effort, you should start to feel more grounded and centered in no time.
Thank you for being here!
Disclaimer: Our web pages and blog posts provide general information for general purposes only and not to be used for any medical, legal or alternative health advice for any type of physical, mental health or financial concerns.Always speak to your practitioner before embarking on any new alternative treatments. If you have concerns about any medical matters, you should always consult your healthcare provider without delay.We thank you for taking full responsibility for your own health and wellbeing in life. ☺