Meditation Music

Meditation Music Guide: What Are Good Sounds For Meditation

Discover some good sounds for meditation, calming for the mind, and Solfeggio for balancing the chakras, all in our meditation music guide articles.

chakra meditation music featured image

Chakra Meditation Music: Working With Rose Quartz

Chakra meditation music is a perfect companion for balancing and healing chakras.  Working with rose quartz energy to open and activate the heart chakra energy center, allowing unconditional love, nurturing, and empowerment to flow.  This allows us to tap into

Crown Chakra Music - main

Crown Chakra Healing Music : Singing Bowls, Sound And More

The Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head and is associated with the color violet or white.   This chakra is responsible for our connection to the divine.  It’s associated with higher consciousness, intuition, and spiritual awareness.  When

888 Hz

888 Hz Music: The Frequency of Miracles

Sound, especially music, has been a part of the human experience for centuries. Creating, sharing, and listening to the rhythms and beats of music is one of our most primal urges. The sound of music  affects our physical, emotional, and

Binaural beats

How Does Binaural Beats Sleep Music Helps Sleep Fast

Do you have trouble relaxing before going to sleep?  Maybe you’re looking for a more natural approach to help you fall asleep faster.  Or, perhaps you’ve tried a soothing yoga session or a cup of warm chamomile tea before bed,
