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Yellow Quartz : The Amazing Citrine Properties Of The Crystal

Yellow quartz

Let’s learn more about one of our favorite yellow quartz stones, citrine.  Many of us are aware that it is supposed to bring us good fortune and prosperity, but do we realize the many ways it may be used in meditation, chakra, and intention-setting exercises?   It also produces beautiful sparkling jewelry that we may wear as lucky charms to provide positive energy or good feng shui to the home environment.

Did you know that yellow quartz (also called lemon quartz) and citrine are both beautiful yellow stones that have many benefits.  

Citrine is known for its ability to increase happiness and bring abundance.  

While yellow (lemon) quartz is known for its ability to boost energy levels and improve mood. Both stones are used to cleanse the chakra system and promote balance.

The difference between citrine and lemon quartz is the richness and tone of their color. Many don’t bother with the distinction between the two, because they are both yellow and  from the quartz family.

Let’s look at what Citrine is good for, what it is, and how it is used.

Citrine is a beautiful gemstone; its rainbow golden flecks are embedded inside a yellowish, nearly amber, colored crystal quartz. Citrine is used in a variety of ways by those who own this crystal.  It’s a very popular gemstone that has been used throughout history.  Folklore has continued to express the magical properties for this particular stone.

Now, whilst there are many opinions on what this stone does for the individual, one thing is clear, the stone is used in so many ways.

Yellow Quartz Also Known As Citrine

Yellow quartz is another name for citrine as it’s from the quartz family.  Some of it’s other relatives include lemon quartz, amethyst, smoky quartz, rose quartz, and more.

The meaning of citrine comes from the French word citron, which is translated to ‘lemon’ because of its vibrant colors of lemon and oranges. 

The gemstone is also known by the name ‘Light Maker’ since it symbolically resembles the rays of the yellow color from sunshine and warmth that enhances our daily life.

The beautiful rainbow hues in the gemstone are from the tints of iron in the quartz. 

Citrine is part of the healing crystals family and is symbolized as flows of abundance, happiness, positive energy, and it is well known, of course, as the prosperity stone.

This ray of sunshine is the November birthstone, according to the American National Association of Jewelers. It is also the Planetary stone for Virgo’s Sun Sign and the traditional gem for wedding anniversaries in the 13th and 17th years.

What does citrine do?

Citrine is a yellow variety of quartz that is prized for its vibrant color.  It is said to represent the sun, and is believed to bring happiness and prosperity. Citrine is also thought to promote creativity and self-expression.

Citrine’s name is also derived from the Latin term for “gold.” It is believed to be a powerful crystal for financial abundance, energetically attracting success and good fortune. It imparts happiness, wonderment delight, and hones into one’s personal power.

In ancient times citrine was popularly known as the ‘Merchant’s Stone’, and according to its story, symbolically the stone of abundance in business ventures for the merchant.

This brilliant golden stone of opportunity emits positive vibrations and energies; therefore, citrine has been known as the ideal gemstone to attract wealth, health, and prosperity.


Citrine metaphysical properties have been used to bring a positive flow of energy into one’s life, intuitively improve mental acuity, confidence, and willpower. Additionally, it promotes self-confidence as well as good optimism.

Citrine gemstones are used in alternative therapies, such as crystal healing, soothe emotions, quell anger, and manifest desires – especially money and abundance in various forms.

This beautiful crystal is known as the ‘prosperity stone’ and is a wonderful addition to any crystal collection, whether used for healing energy, manifestation process, positive thinking, or even as beautiful citrine jewelry.  

There are many ways to use the properties of this gemstone of abundance. This includes, but is not limited to, spiritual practices, use it in chakra balancing, use it in your home environment to bring the flow of abundance, wearing it as jewelry, or even place it in your cash register.

What Is Citrine Used for Spiritually?

What healing powers does citrine have? Here is a shortlist of the spiritual meanings and healing powers that these popular crystals are known and used for:

• Activates your intuitive powers.

• Helps with focus on becoming a magnet for law of attraction and manifestation purposes.

• Enhances feelings of happiness and sunshine in one’s life.

• Promotes a positive mental perspective on life.

• Shields from negative energies.

• Metaphysically empowers confidence and self-esteem.

• Creativity improves.

• Intention setting for financial goals and desires.

What Chakra Is Citrine Good For?

Let’s look at the vibrational flow of crystals, especially citrine, and what it is good for.

Chakra’ refers to the early Hindu tradition of energy points within and around our bodies. These energy points, or spinning disks, correspond to each area within our energetic bodies, that subsequently affect our physical well-being and emotions. (More about chakras in this link for you.)

Therefore, the creative energy of this bright stone is frequently used to heal issues relating to low self-esteem and a lack of confidence, when it comes to receiving good fortunes in life.


How would you use citrine on your body normally? 

This quartz is usually used on the solar plexus chakra area, to metaphysically release the negative energy of low self-esteem, emotional wounds and promote confidence and higher self-worth in one’s life.

What healing powers does citrine have?

Citrine has long been recognized for its ability to spiritually improve creativity and confidence to achieve financial objectives, as well as increase one’s creative worth when dealing with financial acquisitions.

What is citrine good for?

What does citrine do?

Since citrine activates the solar plexus chakra; it has intuitive energy-boosting properties and releases negative thinking thoughts.

This money stone is ultimately a focus point for abundance, wealth, and joy; thus, it dispels any negative energy and activates our positive energy points.

Where should you put a citrine in your home?

Citrine is a type of quartz crystal that is often used in conjunction with feng shui to open and connect ourselves to a loving and positive environment that inspires us, signifies prosperity and allows the energy of money to flow through.

Place this quartz within the southeast corner of the home or workplace. This area is known as the money and wealth corners of the home environment.

Citrine is a beautiful color crystal that helps attract positive energies and actions for us.

The crystal can be placed on your desk, or in your drawer, keeping it near you, inviting more prosperity and positive energy into your work life.

Many use this technique to feel more confident and instill more trust in their financial decision making skills at work.

Natural Citrine Chakra Crystal Tree - Bonsai Feng Shui Money Tree for Wealth and Prosperity

Why Is Citrine So Popular in Jewelry Making and Healing?

Citrine was popular amongst the Ancient Romans as jewelry, and it may still be seen in old coins and weapons.

The crystal has also been used to dress sword and dagger handles throughout history.

Additionally, the aristocracy and these days celebrities have continued to use it for its symbolic power and beauty.

Today, it is still a very popular gemstone among many of us, curious about using its many symbolic properties and its beauty in color.

As mentioned, the chakra of citrine is used for its healing properties, removing the negative energies, and attracting positive attributions in abundance for the individual. This here is the major reason why citrine is popular in jewelry, especially today.

Here, are some lovely products to show how citrine is used as pieces of jewelry and great as focus tools with intention setting rituals for abundance:

Citrine necklaces pendants

Sterling Silver Yellow Citrine and White Diamond Pendant Necklace Emerald Cut Shape

Citrine Gemstone Pendant Necklace- Handmade with Ethically Sourced Raw Natural Pure Gemstone

How to cleanse citrine

There are several techniques to cleanse citrine, so let’s go through the steps and help you determine what works best for you.

Remember that everyone’s path is unique, and one person may swear by a particular method while another might not resonate with it. 

The best path is trying various techniques and then find the method that you feel intuitively good about.

Let’s start by looking at what cleaning entails for crystals. Yes, washing or wiping the object might be considered cleansing, but it goes far beyond that. 

When working with a crystal in this way, it is important to cleanse with your thoughts and feelings when handling the crystal.

Here are some of the many ways on how to cleanse citrine:

1. Your breath can be used to focus on the crystal itself while you are holding it, such as by speaking or thinking something like this: I am now cleansing and clearing any negative energy, inviting white light and love into this crystal to work with me and for me with my positive intentions right here, right now.

2. Moonlight is a good energy source to cleanse and charge this crystal. Again, use your thoughts while you are holding it. Place the crystal on the ground or inside the earth overnight.

3. Can citrine go in water? If you must leave this quartz in water for any length of time, do so only under running water or a natural fresh stream for a few minutes. (Remember: water is not good for all crystals and stones since some may dissolve gradually in water or fade with salty ocean water).

4. Smudge stick or sage – Slowly pass the crystal through a lit smudge stick or sage to clear away any other energy that may be present in it.

5. Sound Bowls– A wonderful approach to awaken your citrine, stimulate its dormant state, and get it ready for your intention setting, is with singing bowls.

Final Take

We hope you found this blog post helpful on citrine and how to use it, the many benefits and cleansing it. Now to decide which way will be your favorite way of using and cleansing your crystals.

Share with us what technique is your favorite for clearing and balancing this crystal as it may help others who are deciding between these different methods as well!

Disclaimer: Our web pages and blog posts provide general information for general purposes only and not to be used for any medical, legal or alternative health advice for any type of physical, mental health or financial concerns.Always speak to your practitioner before embarking on any new alternative treatments. If you have concerns about any medical matters, you should always consult your healthcare provider without delay.We thank you for taking full responsibility for your own health and wellbeing in life. ☺

Disclaimer: Our web pages and blog posts provide general information for general purposes only and not to be used for any medical, legal or alternative health advice for any type of physical, mental health or financial concerns.Always speak to your practitioner before embarking on any new alternative treatments. If you have concerns about any medical matters, you should always consult your healthcare provider without delay.We thank you for taking full responsibility for your own health and wellbeing in life. ☺


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