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Ways To Relax Mind and Body Before Bed

Ways To Relax Mind and Body Before Bed

relax mind and body

Here we will discuss some techniques to relax your mind and body so you can have  blissful hours of sleep, as well as some  reasons why having a good night’s sleep seems to be quite difficult for many of us.

Remember  at one stage when we use to believe that if we were physically exhausted it would  guarantee a peaceful night’s sleep?

But in many scenarios that is simply not the case, especially when your brain is overloaded with stress of some kind!

There are times when stressful thoughts and tense muscles can still keep us awake even after a long and hectic day.

These days though, we are lucky enough to have so many tools and techniques that can aid us in having a healthy night time routine and good night’s sleep, ridding us from those pesky thoughts spinning around in the brain just before you “hit the sack” to get some shut eye.

There are a variety of methods where you can learn how to relax mind and body before bed. Improve your night time routine as well as sleep quality and allow you to welcome the next day feeling energized and refreshed.

What Keeps You Awake?

For your bedtime routine, the first thing you need to do is to learn how to relax at night and ensure a high-quality sleep is to ask yourself…………… what is it that keeps you awake at night?

According to an article published in Psychology Today , several factors can hinder sleep. 

Here are the three most common ones:

1. Your Worries

The most common reason a lot of us fall into the grips of insomnia are the worries that are burdening our minds.

From an upcoming deadline for a project that you have yet to complete, to that small spat you had with your best friend earlier………..these thoughts can significantly impact the time it takes to fall and stay asleep.

2. Temperature

Here’s a rule of thumb: it is easier to fall asleep in a colder room than in a warm one.

To be more specific, they say that the optimum temperature you want your bedroom to have is around 18॰C.

And don’t forget to consider your body temperature, as well taking into consideration your own comfort levels of temperature variations.

3. Liquids

Finally, people tend to underestimate the effect of particular fluids that we drink before going to bed.

First, caffeinated drinks are a big no-no in the evenings, but I am guessing you already know this one.

Second, while alcoholic beverages can make you feel drowsy in the midst of drinking and shortly after, it can still cause sleep disruption once the alcohol mellows down, and you find yourself awake at 3 am?

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Lastly, drinking any type of liquids before bed, be that milk or water, can also potentially cause sleep disruption thanks to your full bladder in need of relief to go and pee at around 1 am?

There are definitely other reasons why you might find it hard to fall asleep at night.

Identifying what those are for you, are critical to ensure that your before-sleeping ritual won’t go to waste. 

Are you still trying to figure out what this could be for you, that’s keeping you awake?


A lot of research has been done on the benefits of having a journal and taking down notes of what you are actually doing before going to bed or as you’re in bed already.

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Self-Care: A Day and Night Reflection Journal

What are some of your behavior patterns prior to sleep? 

Many of us don’t recognize it could be the little things that can disrupt a good night’s sleep.

The other important fact is to write down the thoughts running through your mind, as this will also be a big help,. To let it all out on paper, and release it from your mind.

How To Relax Mind And Body Before Bed

You now have two options.

You can deal with the issue head on, that’s been constantly stressing you out, as sometimes our thoughts can make things seem a lot bigger than the outcome itself.

You can also take matters into your own hands and try out any of the tips that we’ll be sharing with you today on how to relax at night and get some well-earned rest.

We will be dividing this topic into two categories for easy reference, starting with the tips that can help improve your peace of mind at night.

How Do I Rest My Mind Before Bed?​

Did you know that journaling even just a few minutes at night doesn’t just help in finding the root cause of your insomnia?

It also helps with answering some of your problems. This usually works when you sleep, as your subconscious mind will do some of the heavy lifting on your behalf, since it was too much for your thinking brain to handle.

According to an article on PyschCentral, writing the things stressing you out can alleviate some of that heavy feeling inside and improve mental clarity.

It also means your mind is a very powerful multi skilled toolkit and usually sorts out your problems when you are sleeping. You know, when you wake up in the morning, and you have an answer to your problem, and you think to yourself, why haven’t you thought of this before??


Another way to keep your thoughts from drifting towards stressful concerns is by learning how to redirect them onto a different focal point that makes you feel better.

Try to think of a calming memory or a favorite activity. Work out all of its details in your brain to keep your brain occupied with nicer thinking and feeling thoughts. Something that makes you laugh or smile.

If a stray thought suddenly finds its way back to your mind, then just acknowledge it and let it go with some slow deep breathing exercises, or by using breathing imagery.

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Just go back to your original “nice feeling “thought until you feel yourself slowly drifting away.

It does take a while for this one to work, though. But don’t worry, this is completely normal until you grasp this new routine.

According to an article published by the National Sleep Foundation , continuous practice does help.


Finally, those who find visualizing a scene challenging can opt to focus on their breathing instead.

It may sound so simple, but it’s a powerful technique to ……… STOP to take a deep slow breath! 

Here is an audio that can support  with redirecting those thoughts.

It helps with nice slow breathing and relaxation exercises which could guide you along with having a good night’s sleep.

Mindful Movement For Inner Peace, Guided Visualization

There are also some great hypnosis audios that can help you to have a much better sleep.

The inductions alone are so relaxing for the entire body, as they initially help the thinking part of you to slow down with calming breath.

Some audios even guide you through a progressive muscle relaxation, that can help you to fall asleep in minutes.

And that’s even before you get to the part of your goal focused message that you really want to work on in life. 

There are so many different hypnosis audios you can choose from, and they are all written by professional clinical hypnotherapists.

It seems so simple, yet true, performing breathing exercises remains one of the most relaxing and healthy things to do before bed for your overall mental health.

How Do I Stop Being Anxious Before Bed?

Practicing some of these tips on how to relax before bed can certainly help alleviate some of that anxiety in the evenings.

However, they might not always work, especially for people struggling with different types of anxiety disorders.

According to another post by the National Sleep Foundation , sleeplessness is one of the leading symptoms of anxiety disorders.

This is a serious issue and must never be underestimated. If you feel that this may be an issue for you, then seeking professional help is the ideal way to treat the concern.

Cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT is another alternative and one of the most common treatment options available.

How Do I Relax My Body Before Bed?

With practicing breathing as well as progressive muscle relaxation techniques, minutes before bed, helps with shutting off the brain before bedtime, being more at peace.

We can now move on to some simple steps that can relax you physically. 

Here are some simple steps:

Take a Shower

As mentioned above, body temperature plays an essential role in achieving a better night’s sleep.

Hence, those who find their body heating up at night might find relief in having a refreshing shower or relaxing bath.

This is definitely one of the easiest and quickest ways to relax before going to bed.

If you choose to take a nice warm bath, you might consider lighting up a scented candle that can promote sleep like chamomile and lavender.

Always be sure that the scents you choose will relax you and not agitate you, as not everyone can handle the scent of chamomile or lavender.

Here are some lovely candles or bath bombs you might enjoy using, to wind down and relax before bed.

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All Natural Soy Scented Candles

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Bubbly Bath Bombs Gift Set of 12 Extra Large Fizzies with Essential Oil Blends & Epsom Salts- Vegan Friendly

Some prefer bath bombs, bath salts with minerals or essential bath oils to relax and unwind.

It’s really up to your own personal preference on this one.

Do Some Stretching

Tense muscles can definitely get in the way of your relaxation.

Fortunately, different stretching exercises can release that pent up tension and racing mind, and help you feel more relaxed before bed.

Deal With Any Pain

Lastly, one factor that can severely impact your sleep quality is any physical pain you deal with.

There’s different essential oils and bath salts that are targeted for pain relief so you can actually feel like you are having a soothing bath. 

Massage is another wonderful option, when you get the chance.

Consulting your doctor remains the ideal choice, especially if you’re dealing with chronic or crippling pain every night.

Below are a few  extra tips on how to relax before bed:

Create An Ideal Environment For Sleeping

Have you ever considered that your bedroom might simply be not conducive enough for sleeping?

Have a look around and see is there anything that you may need to remove or adjust in your bedroom environment, to create your relaxing sleeping nest.

It might be “just a bed for sleep”, but there’s a lot to be said, about creating a nurturing environment for all of your senses and your racing mind to realize, it is time to wind down, in your special place that you will sleep and relax in bed at night.

You might be overdue for a new mattress; the National Sleep Foundation suggests switching your mattresses every six to eight years.

How about your pillows? 

Old ones leave you more prone to developing allergies and breathing issues, not to mention they begin to  turn into “lumps”  instead of resting you head on a nice puff of cloud. 

People also use the contoured body pillow, so they can physically rest better during the night.

Black-out curtains can also help, especially if you find your sleep getting prematurely cut short due to sunlight.

Many prefer to sleep with those strange and funny looking eye pillows.

They really work well as they block out the lights from your lids in order to relax those eyelid muscles even further.

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Bluetooth Headband Sleeping Headphones Sleep Mask, Noise Cancelling Sleep Earbuds -Also Great When Travelling & Find It Hard To Sleep

Dim Those Lights

Another way to induce sleep is to dim your lights.

Warmer light creates a more soothing and relaxing environment compared to bright lights.

They can stimulate your mind before bed and make your feel more awake, after all.

Another light that is great to have in a space you need to relax, is a lovely  Himalayan salt lamp.

They are amazing, as they create that soothing and mellow ambiance.

They also come in a variety of shapes and colors that can suit any home environment.

It’s said that these salt lamps provide some health benefits, such as being able to clean the air in your environment, as well as provide that relaxing mood to wind down.

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USB Himalayan Salt Lamp- Releases Negative Ions- Purifying Air- Visual Impact of Ice and Fire- Adjustable LED Modes

Turn Off Those Gadgets

Speaking of cool, bright lighting that can keep sleep at bay, that’s what your screen produces too!

Turning off your gadgets before going to bed, or better yet, just leave them out of your room.

Going online, such as checking your social media posts or emails, can potentially cause unnecessary anxiety just before going to bed anyway.

Read A Relaxing Book

Do you remember getting sleepy reading a boring textbook while you were still a student?

That’s because reading can redirect your racing mind to a more relaxed state.

Why don’t you choose a cozy novel instead of your old textbook?

You want to be lulled to sleep, not bored to death.

This can be one of your favorite ways to relax before bed.

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Browse Through The Different Kindle Versions You Can Choose From

Develop A Pre-Sleeping Routine

Finally, if one step is not enough for you, then you might want to consider combining multiple steps before going to bed.

Turn it into your pre-sleeping routine.

Trial a few of these suggestions and see what works for you and what you enjoy the most.

You can start by doing light exercises or stretching.

Perhaps take a relaxing shower, dress up in your favorite sleepwear, fix the thermostat, then cozy up in bed to write a few passages in your journal or to read a chapter of your current book.

How Can I Relax My Mind And Body To Sleep?

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It can be very frustrating to have difficulties falling asleep.

Many things can cause insomnia, and determining the root cause can significantly help resolve the issue.

One of the most common causes, though, are those stressful thoughts and tense muscles.

Fortunately, learning how to relax before bed can put both at ease.

Journaling your thoughts and doing breathing exercises before bed can help in relieving stress and anxiety.

Meanwhile, stretching or bathing with scented candles can do wonders in relaxing your muscles and even alleviating pain that can further make sleep more enticing.

There are also other ways to achieve calm and relaxation.

Reading a book or putting together a bunch of cozy rituals to create a healthy sleep routine helps.

So we’d love to know, which healthy new routine works for you, as we say good night!

Disclaimer: Our web pages and blog posts provide general information for general purposes only and not to be used for any medical, legal or alternative health advice for any type of physical, mental health or financial concerns.Always speak to your practitioner before embarking on any new alternative treatments. If you have concerns about any medical matters, you should always consult your healthcare provider without delay.We thank you for taking full responsibility for your own health and wellbeing in life. ☺

Disclaimer: Our web pages and blog posts provide general information for general purposes only and not to be used for any medical, legal or alternative health advice for any type of physical, mental health or financial concerns.Always speak to your practitioner before embarking on any new alternative treatments. If you have concerns about any medical matters, you should always consult your healthcare provider without delay.We thank you for taking full responsibility for your own health and wellbeing in life. ☺


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