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How to Use Positive Love Affirmations to Attract Soulmate

Shift The Vibe with Love

Are you looking for love, but it seems like it’s just not coming your way?   Maybe you’re doing everything you can, but you’re still not finding the relationship of your dreams.  It may be time to try some new  love affirmations in shifting the vibe in order to attract soulmate and more love into your life!   We’ve included 11 positive affirmations not only to attract your soulmate, but also to increase love within yourself and become a magnet for the law of attraction in general.

For years now affirmations have been used as powerful tools in positive thinking and self-development all over the world. They are a great way to change your mindset, release negative energy, and create transformational changes in your life.

So how can the power of affirmations work from an energetic perspective? How can they help us manifest our desires and what is an affirmation, why do we use them?

There are several great affirmations and techniques that can help open up the energetic space for love to enter our life by shifting our emotional outlook.

You’ll start to even notice the difference with your new positive thoughts and feelings as you become a magnet for a loving relationship.

Do Affirmations Work ?

Affirmations are a self-help technique for boosting self-assurance and confidence in our abilities. These uplifting affirmations redirect your attention away from perceived flaws or shortfalls and toward your assets, which you already have within you.

We’ve all undoubtedly heard of neuro-plasticity by now. Neuro-plasticity, or your brain’s capacity to mold itself to various situations throughout your life, helps us adapt to a new way our life.

Repeating positive statements about yourself in your daily practice helps mold your brain to accept these beliefs as reality. When you genuinely believe you can accomplish something, your behaviors follow as well.

Affirmations remain one of the most effective ways to attract love and keep it. The words you speak with intention and desire carry powerful vibrations in abundance, magnifying the belief in yourself and your desired outcome for a happy life.

Do Positive Affirmations Work Law Of Attraction ?

Affirmations are a simple method to work with the law of attraction in assisting you in shifting a negative mindset and tuning into your inner power of positivity and confidence, drawing your goals closer until you manifest them into reality.

Please take a look around you; it’s all a result of your beliefs. You can create something better than what you have right now.

So, the key to moving from “seeing is believing” to “believing is seeing” is about positive vibrations and the real connection of feeling good and taking action toward your goal. When you question yourself, you put up resistance toward lacking confidence within your vibrations for your desired result.

Take a bit of action by making a few changes to how you think about yourself; it helps to believe that magic in attracting a beautiful relationship can happen for you too!

The first thing you can do is write your daily affirmation and read it aloud to yourself. This way, you’re are telling your mind and your body how it will behave, immersing yourself with positive words ensuring they become your new state of being.

Some like to repeat their favorite love affirmations over and over, which is helpful with solidifying the new belief. Some people like to listen to their recorded collection of affirmations when they’re sleeping since the subconscious mind is most receptive at this time.

Can Positive Affirmations Help Manifest Love?

A daily affirmation practice can aid with a transformational change toward loving and healthy relationships. It can help you be more confident in your ability to find true love.

You can even use affirmations to improve your mental health and overall happiness. They are an excellent tool to boost your energy levels and increase your personal growth.

When you start using positive affirmations, you’ll notice that you feel happier and more optimistic. Your thoughts begin to focus on what you want rather than what you don’t like or lack. In other words your sole focus is tuned in, only on what you want to attract.

Using confident and emotional statements is an excellent foundation to attract a romantic partner into your life. The stronger the impact is if there’s a solid connection between what is said and how it makes you feel.

  • Your handful of affirmations said with intention can program the things you desire into your subconscious mind, so your subconscious mind finds a way to manifest this in your life. Positive, loving, and open-minded when stating affirmations, positive results magnify faster.

Self-love affirmations can be used to help tune into your heart’s desire, also helps to use other mindset tools like journaling and visualization. Repetitively practicing your positive, happy thoughts enables you to prepare your mind and spirit in the fulfillment of love into your life.

There are several love affirmations that you can utilize. You can recite affirmations like –

  • I believe in myself 
  • I attract love into my life with ease now 
  • I am loveable 
  • My goals are manifesting


You will begin to feel more attractive, desired, and deserving of love when you start regularly affirming in your daily life. Allow the love you want to experience, to begin with, you as it works its way into your life.

How To Use Positive Affirmations Effectively

Create your own sacred space where it’s your private energy.

Burn a candle, use a journal, have some crystals…any or all of the things that create some magic when you say your love statements with power and intention.

Some of my favorite candles to use are the ones with amazing fragrances and crystals ontop, see for yourself here.

10,000+ Affirmations for all areas of your life. Comes in Paperback- Audiobook- Kindle

Positive Affirmations And Motivational Quotes 

Great to use as a reference when you need to strengthen the mind and keep on moving forward!

This one is not a journal but a book full of affirmations for different aspects in your life.

It comes free with your first audible trial offer.

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Some tips for using affirmations effectively:

1. Journal about something you want to manifest in order to magnetize it.

2. When you start writing your affirmation, use words with power, such as- 

“I am attracting love into my life right now.”

There’s life energy in creating your new belief system with the law of attraction.

3. Always write in the present tense, use  NOW words.

4. Make sure your life goal affirmations feel good when you say them and feel confident. For example, “I am now a magnet for love” feels great, while “I will never find love” or “I’m not sure if I’ll find love”, can’t feel positive.

5. If an affirmation doesn’t feel true for you yet, rewrite it and rephrase the affirmative each day until it resonates with what you truly want. 

6. Feelings are an essential component of your energetic vibrations for statements of your dream life.

7. Keep your affirmations realistic as you build up your belief system. It’s like chatting to a friend when you say things like, “I am open and receptive to the love that is entering my life now.”

8. Create a vision board of all the things you want in your life, especially how you see your partner and all the qualities you are looking for in someone.

Love Affirmations To Attract Soulmate

It’s when you repeat the love affirmations to attract your soulmate that you first concentrate on yourself.  You want to ensure that you are sending out good vibrations that will help to believe in yourself so that you may attract the finest potential soulmate who resonates with you most in life. 

These statements also assist you in aligning yourself on the same path frequency of your soulmate’s love energy.

When you believe it’s the perfect time to include love into your life, then create and read out loud your affirmations with assurance and confidence.

We have a list of affirmations to help you out.

You can pick a pair that you’ll say every day. You are free to rephrase these affirmations in any way that resonates with you.

Set yourself a timer on how long you would like to do this daily ritual, so you become confident that you are a magnet to the law of attraction for love.

1. I love myself.
2. I accept myself, and I am worthy of love. 
3. I am ready to give and receive love.
4. My heart radiates love to everyone around me.
5. I free myself from all past hurt, and I am open to love again.
6. I have lots of love in me to share with others.
7. The love I want wants me.
8. I find love no matter where I go.
9. My friends and family love me.
10. I believe in love, and I am ready for it to change my life.
11. I know my loving partner is out there searching for me now!

love yourself

How Can I Attract My Soulmate?

Finding a soulmate is like going on a journey of self-discovery and is typically followed by significant personal change.

Many people fall into love and are upset when the relationship fails.

It’s not just about meeting the right person. It’s also about putting in the effort to have a strong and healthy connection with your soulmate.

To find a soulmate, be honest with yourself and know your strengths, weaknesses. Also, how much are you willing to negotiate to strengthen a bond with the one you have magnetized into your life?

Even asking how to attract your soulmate means you have become intentional about your love life. First, identify what has been preventing you from finding your soulmate. Look at anything that needs to change. 

Anything that’s been working against you from your past?


You might some time to need to heal first if past relationships have hurt you. You don’t need to be perfect, and it’s OK if you make mistakes. Just learn to forgive yourself when you do.

Take a good break between relationships to determine what sort of person you’re looking for now and why the last one didn’t work out for you.

This also helps release any energy of past relationships, so your vibrations have a nice clean slate to work with, especially if you need different characteristics in your new partner.

It is a good idea to list the qualities you want in a partner. This will make you less likely to find someone who doesn’t have those qualities.

Attracting your soulmate entails being entirely genuine and letting them see who you are. Most individuals are unaware that their soulmates are usually drawn to their odd characteristics or behaviors, which they try to conceal.

Don’t worry about what other people will think of you. Be yourself and have a clear vision of what you want. If the person is attracted to you, it will show.

How Do You Write Affirmations In A Relationship?

When you write positive affirmations in a relationship, you are aware of your partner’s caring qualities and focus on them and the growth and support you provide to one another.

Create nurturing gratitude statements about what they bring to your life rather than dwell on negative impressions. This strengthens a happy bond by building trust and open communication with one another.

So, how can you express your words of affirmation to your partner when they pay close attention? It might be as easy as leaving a romantic note on the dining table for your spouse or sending them a warm and caring message, or surprise them with your loving ideas of creativity.

Be genuine in your speech, show appreciation in a straightforward but loving manner, and let your partner know you love them.

A few examples of what can be written as affirmations in a relationship-

1. I speak with positive and open communication with my partner, always being mindful of the good things we share
2. We have healthy boundaries and understand each other’s space
3. Our love and understanding grows stronger every day
4. We respect and trust each other fully
5. We empower and support each other toward our individual goals in life

OK, so now it’s time to grab your journal and start to write your own authentic statements about the ideal partner you’d like to attract into your life.

Final Take

Affirming your desires and dreams for a better future is important toward manifesting your reality. The more you believe in something, the more you will experience  manifestation in your life plan.

If you want to attract your soulmate, make some affirmative changes to your current condition if you need to. To start, eliminate any negative feelings about your present circumstances or about who you are from your mind and be more confident during the attraction process.

We hope that some of the affirmations and ideas we’ve offered have helped with your intention-setting practice. So go out there, create the magic you are capable of 🙂

I wish you the best of luck on your journey to achieve great things in your life, including love.

Disclaimer: Our web pages and blog posts provide general information for general purposes only and not to be used for any medical, legal or alternative health advice for any type of physical, mental health or financial concerns.Always speak to your practitioner before embarking on any new alternative treatments. If you have concerns about any medical matters, you should always consult your healthcare provider without delay.We thank you for taking full responsibility for your own health and wellbeing in life. ☺

Disclaimer: Our web pages and blog posts provide general information for general purposes only and not to be used for any medical, legal or alternative health advice for any type of physical, mental health or financial concerns.Always speak to your practitioner before embarking on any new alternative treatments. If you have concerns about any medical matters, you should always consult your healthcare provider without delay.We thank you for taking full responsibility for your own health and wellbeing in life. ☺


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