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15 Crystals For Success To Boost Your Manifestation Vibes

Using crystals can be a powerful mindset tool to help you on your spiritual journey towards success. In this post, we’ll explore the top 15 crystals for success and show you how to use them in your manifestation rituals.
By boosting your vibes and focusing on your goals, prosperity crystals can amplify your energy with the law of attraction.
So, let’s dive in and discover which 15 beautiful stones are known as prosperity stones.

How To Use Crystals For Success

There are many ways to use crystals for success and wealth in our daily lives, but one of the ancient methods is to use the number eight.

They can be 8 different crystals or the same type of 8 crystals.

The number eight is important , as this is believed to be the number for prosperity.

Another way to use crystals to attract success and wealth is to set them up in a grid pattern in the southwest part of your house. This is known as the wealth sector.

The grid can typically consist of a large pyrite cluster, the eight crystals would surround the wealth intention, one wants to manifest. When these stones work together, it is said they bring success and wealth.

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Some crystal lovers like to use the different influential crystals as part of their crystal grid and then meditate or visualize to bring the power of success into their lives. You can also place the success crystals at their primary chakra points to charge them with a vibrational frequency that will attract success and abundance.

Crystals For Success And Luck

First, it is necessary to cleanse and charge your crystals before you set them for a specific intention, so check out our blog we have on this topic matter.

Cleanse: The crystal must be cleansed before it is charged for a specific purpose

Here Are 15 Crystals And Stones Used For Manifesting Success:

1. Selenite


Selenite  is often used as a symbol for creating one’s light and true path, which can be interpreted to represent manifesting.

Many people use selenite as a charging stone and their crystals for money, in order to amplify the momentum in their visualization process.

2. Sodalite


Sodalite is a beautiful blue stone that is known for its ability to enhance creativity and boost success in different tasks.

This stone is believed to help you tap into your inner wisdom and intuition.

One way to use Sodalite in your success rituals is to meditate with it.

Simply hold the stone in your hand while you meditate and focus on your intentions for success.

You can also place Sodalite on your desk or workspace to help you stay focused and motivated throughout the day.

3. Howlite

Howlite stone  is known for its ability to encourage people to follow their dreams.

This stone is believed to help you tap into your inner desires and passions, which can be incredibly helpful when it comes to manifesting abundance and success.

One way to use Howlite in your success rituals is to carry it with you in a pocket or a pouch.

This way, you can have the stone with you throughout the day, and it can help you stay connected to your dreams and your inner wisdom.

4. Agate

Agate is a beautiful earthy green quartz ( although agate does comes in different colors. ) But green agate is often used to attract wealth and prosperity.

This stone is believed to help you tap into the abundance of the universe and manifest success, making it a great addition to your crystals for business success pack or a crystal grid.

Overall, Agate is a powerful stone that can be a great addition to your success rituals, especially if you’re trying to succeed in the e-commerce business.

5. Citrine

Citrine- this is one of the most common types of abundance crystals that’s been popular for centuries with merchants because it’s believed to bring them luck.

Citrine is a crystal that is widely used in manifestation rituals for attracting wealth and abundance. As a solar plexus chakra stone, Citrine is all about personal power, confidence, and manifestation. It is a great stone to visualize with and can help you stay focused on your goals and intentions.

This golden quartz can be a great addition to your homespace, possibly as a feng shui lucky tree, or you can wear it as a pendant or, of course, as a ring since your hands and fingers deal with money.

Many people ask how to use citrine to attract the energy of money.

 Whether you use citrine or any other stone for wealth and success rituals,  remember the importance of cleansing your stones and balancing your chakras centers first.  This way you both have a clean slate of energy to work  with for attracting money into one’s life.

You can do a short breathing meditation or visualization exercise to remove any negative or stagnate energies from yourself so that they don’t interfere with vibrations of setting goals with your focus stones.

With any of your abundance crystals or stones, you can wear them as a pendant, crystal bracelet, ring or carry them, or use them as part of your crystal grid when meditating and visualizing.

Your ritual needs to feel as intuitive as possible for you, as this is your special connection and sacred space for intention to attract success, wealth, and abundance.

6. Flourite

Fluorite is believed to be a great stone for enhancing creativity and imagination.  Coming up with new ideas and solutions to problems, by connecting with your intuition, you can make better decisions that align with your goals. 

It can help shield you from negative energies that can hinder your success.

You can use Fluorite healing wands or pointers in chakra meditations and visualization exercises to activate and balance your chakras, which can help you stay focused on your goals. 

7. Pyrite

Pyrite is a powerful crystal that is often used in manifestation rituals for success, despite the old saying that goes, “Fool’s gold is a stone that shines like gold, but it’s not.”

Although Pyrite isn’t as valuable or precious as gold, its unique appearance can still be beneficial for those who are very visual and can imagine and feel gold when holding this stone.


Pyrite tumbled stones can be incorporated into feng shui practices to attract wealth and abundance energy throughout your home or office.

You can place Pyrite in the wealth corner, use it in a money bowl, display it on your desk, or use it in a crystal grid to enhance its power using manifestation rituals.


8. Aventurine

Aventurine- often called the green stone, is considered a “stone of opportunity.”

This is an excellent piece for attracting wealth energy.

Aventurine is a crystal that is often associated with luck and opportunity. It is believed that carrying eight Aventurine stones can help attract wealth and abundance. 

9. Lapis Lazuli


Lapis Lazuli is a versatile crystal that has been used for centuries as a stone of business friendship.

It is believed to enhance communication skills, promote honesty, and foster harmonious relationships in the workplace.

In addition to its association with business and communication, Lapis Lazuli is also popular as one of the wealth gemstones.

Furthermore, Lapis Lazuli is traditionally associated with acumen, making it a great stone for those seeking to sharpen their analytical skills and make better decisions. 

10. Blue Amazonite

Blue Amazonite is a crystal that is renowned for its ability to inspire hope, success, and abundance. Its calming energy can help to tap into inner courage and allow your entrepreneurial spirit to soar.

By incorporating Blue Amazonite into your manifestation process, you can enhance your ability to set stronger intentions with your manifestation rituals for success.

11. Green Calcite


Green Calcite-This stone metaphysically helps to eliminate patterns that have kept people from achieving the wealth they desire.

It is considered a lucky stone, helping energetically to open the mind & recognize situations that keep one from achieving wealth.


12. Quartz



Quartz crystals are energetically used for their ability to provide users with a clear vision, making them a popular choice for those seeking metaphysical support to enhance success in both business and life.

By incorporating Quartz crystals into manifestation practices, clear quartz is used to enhance intuitive ability to set clear intentions and focus on goals.

Clear quartz is known as the master healer and also used as a manifestation stone in visualization practices.

As it’s important to have a clear vision to achieve success.

And meditating with quartz crystals is a great way to find that vision and figure out how to use it to your advantage.

13. Tiger's Eye


Tiger’s eye is a stone that is often used by those who wish to be more successful.

It’s known to help metaphysically increase willpower and make the individual more motivated to achieve their goals. 

Tiger’s Eye is a crystal that is typically known for its distinctive brown color, which resembles the eye of a tiger.

However, it is also available in other colors, including a marbled, deep blue hue.

This stunning crystal is believed to possess powerful protective energy that helps enhance confidence and courage.

Whether used for personal or professional purposes, Tiger’s Eye can be a valuable addition to your crystal collection.


14. Green Jade



Green Jade- usually a greenstone (but also comes in different colors) has long been a powerful stone for luck and positive energies.

It is often used to increase prosperity and abundance vibrations. 

Green jade can be combined with other similar-colored stones for added intention powers.

Believers in feng shui like to have some jade in their wealth corner, as their luck stone and flow of abundance.

Some people like to wear a piece of jade to help with a focus on lucky financial decisions.

15. Tree Agate

This is a stone known for  clearing away any negative energies, things that block energy from the body. 

It is said that when you hold a tree agate in each hand while meditating for financial intentions, you can open up your energy field and attract more prosperity and financial success.


When Choosing Your Crystal For Success

When deciding which money stones or crystals for money to meditate with, consider what draws you most to them.

It might be a beautiful color combination, the way it feels in your hand, or any number of other reasons that connect with you emotionally.

This is important because it assists with stronger frequencies when you send your intentions out to the universe.

Here is our YouTube Channel, that has various chakra meditation music pieces.

You can try one of the solfeggio frequency music pieces to resonate with abundance frequency, or if you are looking for  chakra healing music to remove any blocks of resistance.

It’s important to release any negativity before starting with your visualizing practice toward success. Always have your crystals for abundance ready by your side, or around you like a crystal grid before listening to your chakra healing or solfeggio frequency music to send out the right vibrations to the universe.

Using Your Crystal to Achieve Your Goals and Dreams

Always program your crystals with loving intentions, so your manifestations come to you from happy directions.

The more we use our crystals, the more they help strengthen and empower our mindset, as they are the perfect tools for goal, success, and dream setting.

Some  even create a “dream box” or carry the crystal with them in the pocket or purse or even as a piece of jewelry. So it’s there, everywhere they go to remind them of their goals.

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What Not to Do with Your Crystal

Some Crystals should not be stored in direct sunlight or water as both can cause the stone to fade or dissolve over time.

Crystals used for a specific intention still need to be cleaned after each practice and charged again if you want to set it up with the same goals vibration.

Remember that some crystals are used for different healing and success practices, which means you would need to cleanse and recharge them if your goals change.

Crystals Safety

Some  crystals and stones need to be handled with care when they break or chip, as they can be as sharp as glass.

Many people and healers enjoy using crystals as a part of their meditative practice, visualization exercise, or  as feng shui-in their homes.

While crystal healing is a popular and inspiring metaphysical practice, it is important to note that it is not a substitute for traditional medicine.

This alternative healing practice is intended to complement, rather than replace, any medical treatments that you may be receiving.

While crystals can be a valuable addition to your self-care routine, it is important to consult with a medical professional for any serious health concerns.

By combining traditional medicine with alternative healing practices, you can take a holistic approach to your well-being and achieve optimal health and wellness.

Quick Recap

Here are some quick recaps to remember, when it comes to using your crystal to magnetize your goals and dreams.

a) Cleanse and charge your crystal

b) Remove any negative vibes or emotions you may have, before setting your goal of success for your crystal or stone.

c) For success and abundance, be specific when setting your intentions.

d) Always end with a positive note, and ask for success to come from happy directions in your life instead of those that can eventually wear you down.


There are so many other crystals that you can use- please read our blogs on crystals and see which one seems to resonate with your needs. See if the crystal or stone appeals to you- intuitively, this might then be the one for your journey at this stage in your life.

We hope this article has given you some clarity about the different crystals and finding the right one for you.

Once you’ve found your perfect crystal, remember that it’s like any relationship, it’ll be clear which one will best suit your needs!

Disclaimer: Our web pages and blog posts provide general information for general purposes only and not to be used for any medical, legal or alternative health advice for any type of physical, mental health or financial concerns.Always speak to your practitioner before embarking on any new alternative treatments. If you have concerns about any medical matters, you should always consult your healthcare provider without delay.We thank you for taking full responsibility for your own health and wellbeing in life. ☺

Disclaimer: Our web pages and blog posts provide general information for general purposes only and not to be used for any medical, legal or alternative health advice for any type of physical, mental health or financial concerns.Always speak to your practitioner before embarking on any new alternative treatments. If you have concerns about any medical matters, you should always consult your healthcare provider without delay.We thank you for taking full responsibility for your own health and wellbeing in life. ☺


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