Crystal Must Haves

young woman drinking a rose quartz water bottle

Rose Quartz Water Bottle The New Health Trend

Do you have any idea what crystal-infused water bottles are? What about the rose quartz water bottle in particular?   These all seem to be a new health trend that is becoming popular all over the world for adding some zen

rose quartz jewelry featured image

Rose Quartz Jewelry: A Buyer’s Guide

Rose quartz jewelry is a popular choice for many people.  It is important to know what to look for when you are buying rose quartz jewelry.  This guide can help you understand rose quartz and how to select the right

different types of rose quartz featured

Different Types of Rose Quartz Crystals You Must Know About

Do you enjoy the nurturing energy of rose quartz?  If that’s the case, you’ll be interested in learning about the different types  of rose quartz crystals,  the elemental meanings, and chakra spiritual properties.   Rose quartz is a beautiful naturally occurring pink

Rose quartz featured image

How To Use Rose Quartz: Origin, History, Healing Properties

How To Use Rose Quartz: Origin, History, Healing Properties You’ve probably seen rose quartz everywhere, from your favorite jewelry store to images on Pinterest. You may even own a piece! But what is this pretty pink mineral, and where does it
